Pentatonic Modes
What Are the Pentatonic Modes?
What Are the Pentatonic Modes?
The pentatonic modes are five-note scales usually, but not always, based on the solfege notes do-re-mi-so-la. By tonicizing different notes, each scale has its own flavors and characteristics.
In elemental music, as studied in Orff Schulwerk Levels, the pentatonic modes listed on this page are the most common. Each will be presented in Songmaker with a home tone of "C" so that they can easily be compared and contrasted. The chromatic scale is selected so that the patterns of half steps, whole steps, and minor thirds are visible.
Note: This site can load slowly on some devices - especially on mobile - due to the embedded Songmaker files.
Pentatonic with Half Steps: C-E-F-A-B-C
Pentatonic with Half Steps: C-E-F-A-B-C